Title: A Side She Hadn’t Expected
septem_librae Fandom: Jeanne D'arc
Pairing: Jeanne x Roger
Table: Romance
Prompt: #16 - rose
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: It couldn’t have been him.
Notes: Sorry for any OoC; I just had this stuck to my brain for weeks and now that it’s been a while since I played the game, my memory of the characters is kind of fading. Also, obligatory disclaimer ran away, but nonetheless, the original game is not mine.
She stared at it for a minute before she leaned outside the window and saw her parents still hard at work for the festival; it couldn’t have been them.
All logic in her mind told her that he had to be the culprit, but she denied it.
It just wasn’t like him.
She took the flower out of the makeshift vase when he was about to walk past her door. She nasally called out. “Roger?”
Surprised, he turned and peeked through the door crack.
Jeanne smiled gratefully and held up the yellow rose. “Thanks.”
He mumbled something and hurriedly disappeared.