Hai guys.
What's been happening with joo?
With me, here's a nice little (Bah) list of what's been happening with me:
- I moved to Ottawa about a year ago now.
- I got a job for Convergys Canada / Time Warner Cable. And then got thrown into another TW contract - so if you ever order TW through an associate, and call Time warner and get a Z, say HI D:>
- I hate my job 8D.
- I'm bored in Ottawa, there's not many people around here to do stuff that I know because the rare few I do know is always working when I ain't.
- My tablet broke. I have to send it in. It only works when it feels like it 9_9. So that means I go a month without being able to draw in computer.
- Hopefully something will Commense in October.
- I have the house to myself this weekend.
- Talk like a Pirate Day is on the 19th.
- I went to Arkansas for my birthday to see Pen, and it was full of so much awesome and win, I think I nearly exploded. But I did have a roman candle, and it did the exploding thing, and set her lawn on fire.
- We went to Silver Dollar City in Missouri, it was badass - we went on rides and had fun and bought star necklaces (Orange hers, blue mine.) We also went swimming and Pontoon boating over in Beaver Lake near Rogers. Got horribly sunburnt - made for odd travels thereafter.
- I Left a pair of pants and 10 bucks there accidentally 8D;...
- Me an'
Nerpin have been chatting more regularly now, unlike what it's been like for the last few months, which makes me glad, cause now I have someone to rant verbally to. Is fun 83.
- Yep.
And to cap this off, I'll leave you with a chibi I doodled recently:
Et Bien.