Originally posted Feb 26th, 2016

Mar 22, 2016 14:46

I had this really weird dream. I was out with a few friends of mine, and one of them was a homosexual green tentacled space monster who could transform into a human male as a disguise. So we went to a neighborhood that was throwing a huge outdoor bash which consisted of primarily homosexual men. So a few of the girls (I traveled with) and I crashed on the grass in front of the house next door, while our alien friend was next door at the party talking up some of the men there. Next thing I know, our alien friend, in his human disguise, came and sat down next to us since some average looking guy dressed in a long western looking duster (he didn't think was aesthetically up to his standards) was creeping on him. OK, so this is where it gets weird (if it wasn't already) and mildly offensive (if you're an over-sensitive pansy), I was feeling frisky and asked him to "do" me (note: I don't do casual sex in real life since people close to me know I have the sex drive of a nun), he surprisingly agreed to it but said he couldn't do anything sexual in his human disguise since the penis remained flaccid. ......so.. I asked him if he could use one of his tentacles to fk me.. What the hell is wrong with my mind?! Anyway, that's around where the dream ended.
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