Really Livejournal?

Oct 22, 2012 21:26

So Livejournal is deleting people's journals without warning? Really now?

Also, gotta love how no one comes here to bitch & moan anymore since there seems to be no one to bitch & moan to, especially now that everyone owns a Facebook; which has become the new place to hang the dirty laundry.

I like that I can come here and post my thoughts with the chances of little to no one seeing it.

On a separate note, I disabled anonymous commenting since I don't want Cody, that weirdo from SA writing to me, or any other assholes too sackless to talk shit face-to-face. If you're a good friend of mine or a family member, then you know where to reach me. :)

Edit: Oh God, they have LJ 'likes?!'
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