Feb 22, 2012 01:18
I'm getting sick of people slandering all Americans on behalf of the people in power and talking out of their ass about how the US is "sinking" while ignoring the fact that most Americans know that "core countries" have been continuously changing throughout history, also ignoring the fact that the US wasn't a imperial dominance til the 80's. Point is, people usually bring this shit up when an American is preferred for something as opposed to people of other countries, and apparently we're suppose to be offended when these things are mentioned, as if it has any relevance.
(Note: The Japanese aren't the ones making the comments, actually, it's other foreigners living here.)
I guess the remarks are suppose to incite anger, maybe even bitterness, when the truth is Americans know full well their spot can be easily taken or they just don't give a shit. My reason for writing this as I said above is that I found, when certain countrymen prefer American people for whatever job it may be, someone always has to stomp their fucking feet and scream about how EVERY single one of us is uneducated, fat, loud, and apparently "failing," questioning why we should be chosen over others. After all, we're all the same, or at least that's their reasoning. When other countrymen are chosen over us, we're suppose to be modest and shut our mouths. So this loud-mouthed American would just like to say "go fuck yourself, and get the fuck over it!" The US might drop from powerhouse status, but the American people are here to stay.