Well, might as well start this post off with something amusing, just to maybe get your hopes up that my life is turning for the better.
60 Things Worth Shortening Your Life For. That was an amusing read, worthwhile, wouldn't mind doing many of the things on the list, but...well...I'll probably have to hit the lottery to pull of that *shrug* ahh well.
If I haven't pestered you with the virtues of the new TV show Drive, I shall pester you about it now. It's a phenomenal show with everyone's favorite Firefly captain Nathan Fillion playing a landscaper who's wife has been kidnapped and he's been forced to drive in an illegal, mysterious, cross-country road race to get her back. Suffice it to say it's got me hooked, though it's a Fox show, so we'll see how long it lasts :).
As far as life is going right now, well, I'm waiting impatiently for a phone call about my new job. I so desperately want to put in my two weeks notice at my current job, but I have to wait, I refuse to put in notice before I have the official word, because it'd be just my luck that they call me up and go "We can't hire you right now, but if you're still looking in 6 months, there'll be a position waiting for you." So I'm just biding my time, growing more and more antsy with each passing minute.
The wolf in me is having a field day with the weather this past week, transitioning back and forth between rain and nice sun, it's driving me nuts. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, juices me up, gets me energetic but doubly makes me quick to err...well, for lack of a better term snap. Ahh well, I've been anxious and moody before, it's not too difficult to manage now, I swear. *snarls and growls*
Baycon is coming up at the end of next month. I'm hoping the new job won't be interfering too much with it, especially since I volunteered to be ConOps second. Would suck to have to renig at the last minute for it, but meh, I think they'd understand if I told them I got a new job, and sadly, that takes priority over a sci-fi convention that only takes up one long weekend of the year. I have the other 51 weekends to look out for too ya know.
I guess that's it for right now. More or less the rest of the things going on in my head I don't particularly want to write about. I'm trying to post more again, I swear.