Well I've finally done something on my To Do list which has been on there for the better part of a year. And no... it's not do my Re-Sits. Pffftt. I've finally cleaned out my In-Box. And not the virtual one either. My real life In-Box with actual paper and shit. Why does this make me feel good? Well... because! It's off my LIST! YEAH! So what else is still on my list...
Justin's To Do List.
- Get a new Doona.
The story behind this is, I needed a new battery for my car and Barb paid for it. She said to pay her back I'd just have to get a new doona for myself. This was at the start of the year. *sigh* lol.
- Do backdated profiling.
Yeah... 3 years ago as part of my apprenticeship I need to write down everything I do. Yeah... 3 years ago. I should get on that.
- Do Re-sits. (Due 24th April 2006)
Yeah... again I should get on that. I have Re-Sits to do before I can sit my final exams for my apprenticeship. Must get on it.
- Do Trav Pictures.
Well me and my best mates have this
site. I manage the pictures section. Which hasn't been updated since (checks) OMFG! For 2 years now. LMAO. I really should get on that. But unfortunatly everyone is busy doing their own thing and the site doesn't get visited as much as it used to. Stupid life getting in the way.
- Get PCPP Subcription.
For my 20th birthday my mates bought me a PCPP mag and gave me moneys especially for a subscription. Yeah... I still need to do that.
- Get my bartenders licence.
Something I just wanted to get. I was thinking I might get a job at the local bar when I move out. Cheap drinks then. And I get to meet more people. It was an idea I'm still hoping to pursue.
- Sign up for SES.
Another idea I had to meet more people. Also would fill my need to give back to the community.
- Give Blood.
I don't know my blood type. And I thought this might help. Also because I know I'm one of the few people who can give blood and I hope I can help someone. Giving back.
- Get A3 frame.
I have some certificates which I want to frame so I can hang them up and show off how good I am. To all the people that visit me. Lol.
- Do Tax
This is one which will probably get done within the next week. See, for cleaning out my In-Box I sorted out all my reciepts and shit. And.... done! Well not yet.
So that's my list. I also have a weight loss thing I want to do. But probably won't. Because I'm lazy. It's hard to change how I am. Lazy. No need to strive for anything. I have big ideas. I was having a convo to someone about how I'm a "wannabe". I wannabe more fit. I wannabe better at sports. I wannabe tidy. I wannabe someone who can offer something to someone else. But I never do.
Aside from all that I've found this while bumming around You-Tube the other day. Interesting shit.
http://www.youtube.com/v/GCjSwr7zYtE Night!