Today I've had bits of different Sentinel stories I've read in the past pop into my head and wondering if any of you could help me find them. They're all Jim/Blair slash and I can't remember too much about them...
1 - Jim gives Blair a gift of a glass fish/guppy pendant to show him how he feels about him. Edit: Found with the help of
dreaming_k it was Guppy Love by, Timberwolf.
here2 - Blair's watching the movie Philadelphia (or has watched it, can't remember exactly) and is crying over it. Jim finds him and comforts him and they end up together...vague, huh?
3 - This one I've posted about before and no one could find it, but I thought I'd try again. Jim and Blair went to a gay bookstore and they knew the people who worked there. They bought a movie and watched it together and then admitted their feelings to each other.
4 - This one I remember more of, think I just reread it recently but for the life of me I can't remember the title or author. Jim is leaving Blair gifts - I think for Hanukkah. I remember wool socks, money in his account and finding his car's gas tank full and a thermos of his favorite coffee with a note "fuel for the car, fuel for the driver". I think it was a Christmas story cause I remember Mistle toe (or that could of been another story).
Also, a little off topic but I was wondering if anyone could help me find a Star Trek (Voyager or DS9, I'm a little fuzzy about that) slash story I'm trying to find to reread? Offsite, of course.