Otakon Post Part 2: YOU SAYING I LIKE DUDES?

Aug 18, 2010 15:19

'Sup dudes, welcome to part two of the (very late) Otakon posts. This one details the events of the midnight SMT/Persona photoshoot by the fountains. Shin Megami Tensei, as some of you might already know, is a series where the apocalypse happens on a weekly basis and you can become bros with quite a few demons and deities. In Persona you luckily don't have to fight off a bunch of demons and it's not the apocalypse 24/7, you just have to fight Jungian horrors and the occasional Lovecratian god.


OR YOU COULD JUST PLAY POKEMON. It's probably safer and will end up being funner in the long run to just play Pokemon. Anyways, so here are the photos and the wacky hijinks that occurred. Enjoy!

This is the Persona 3 group. It's the game where you use an Evoker (THAT IS SHAPED LIKE A GUN BECAUSE MITSURU AND AKIHIKO ARE, WELL, I GUESS THE WORD IS SPECIAL.) to summon your Persona in a giant tower that is filled with Shadows and presumably the ghosts of a good multitude of orphans. Yeah, it's not a very cheerful game all the time. AND IN P3P YOU CAN BE A LADY... SO HORRIBLE THINGS CAN HAPPEN TO A WHOLE NEW PROTAGONIST!


If he wins a battle he will shout the classical philosophical question of "WHO'S THE MAN?" and if he levels up he will answer it with "I'M THE MAN" because... he's Junpei.

The ladies love Junpei.
no they don't but let's pretend they do, okay? Souji seems to like him.

The ladies prefer this dude. I will never understand why but maybe he has some raw animal magnetism or something.

FUN LITTLE TIDBIT: The lights went out at midnight so there were a lot of jokes about the Dark Hour, but when the one Minato did the Jesus pose they turned back on. MESSIANIC BYRONIC MOOCH STRIKES AGAIN.

And then Port Island imploded

Or alternatively titled, and then Aigis and Ryoji's minds imploded.


Okay, there not exactly antagonists. Lucifer is actually nicer to you than the vast majority of the biblical figures and leads the chaos alignment, Ryoji really doesn't want to be the Appraiser, and Rasputin is a robot from the future or something... I need to get back to playing Devil Summoner.

Souji is pretty badass. Even though he has Justin Bieber hair and he often acts like Mary Poppins.

I really like the Izanagi here, it took a lot of work to get him up there. I'm the Souji without the jacket. I DON'T TAKE PICTURES WELL, OKAY?

This is a dangerous amount of Yosuke. Someone is bound to say something stupid and crash into a trashcan.

But this is an army of Naotos. This is the police force's worst dream and best nightmare. The sheer amount of hats here is just alarming, Naoto is like Junpei and Raidou in the way that she almost never takes off her hat. She does it once or twice, which is sane compared to Raidou who will leave his hat on even when he's not wearing any clothes.

Being the lone Kanji cosplayer has benefits, like being surrounded by an army of Naotos and hanging out with the lone Teddie. The duo of Teddie and Kanji Tatsumi is simply known as Wonder Boy and Young Nasty Man.


And yes, that is a laser pointed. It was on his crotch for awhile. I have no idea who was pointing it but I'm disappointed that they didn't bring it to the AMV Contest because the laser pong on the screen was one of the most amusing parts of the contest last year.

You can feel the tension in the uncle nephew bonding photos from miles away.

These are admittedly less tense. These are just bromantic. I would quote Guy Love but I've done that enough already in previous posts and my icons so let's just give it a rest.

How long was that Zack sitting there?

A challenge approaches!
I don't even know what they're fighting about, it's probably over a steak bowl or something stupid like that. My money is on Chie though.

And suddenly there was opera music playing everywhere. Igor and the Velvet Room attendants don't get enough love.

And here's when we got aggressive. Various All-Out-Attack lines were quoted and if you notice Minato is trying to back away slowly. I can't blame him, the Persona 4 cast probably would win in a fight against the Persona 3 cast (both for various skill and stat related reasons and the fact that the Persona 4 cast has better nutrition and they have KANJI "BEATS UP BIKER GANGS BECAUSE THEY KEEP HIS MOM UP AT NIGHT" TATSUMI.) pretty easily.

Although, Yukari wasn't there. If Yukari was there I would have tried to back away so that I could avoid being torn to pieces by... a emotional sixteen year old girl in a pink cardigan. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN KNOW--

Oh and then we beat up a Team Rocket grunt who wandered in. We were a very physical group. However we didn't send up blasting off again...

We did that to Ryoji.

And yes, that is a lightsaber. And no, Ryoji didn't fall into the fountain although that happened to another cosplayer in a photoshoot on Friday.

So let's just end this travesty here and if the Ryoji cosplayer is reading this... YOU ARE NOT THE APPRAISER OF AWESOME. >:|

I'm a bit disappointed that there was no Adachi because I was secretly looking forward to beating him up instead of Ryoji, but this was the highlight of my Otakon experience this year.

And the moral of the story, is that you all should just go play some Pokemon because it won't end up breaking your mind or stepping on your heart with stiletto heel.


It's occasionally nice to see so many nerds and know that you're not alone and that all those people on the internet aren't just the same person playing a mind game on you, on the other hand... I can never look at pillow cases the same way. I still want to know why I can't get a pillow with Kamina on it.

Well, seeing as how I've posted more this month than I ever thought I would I'm going to hibernate now and start storing food for Nanowrimo, being a creeper about Birth by Sleep, and flailing about stuff nobody else cares about.


worst post ever, dojima party, persona 4, what is this i don't even, megaten, nano, persona 3, otakon

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