Aug 09, 2010 17:24

'Sup dudes, this is part one of a two part post about Otakon. It does contain photos from the first day of Otakon but not of the SMT/Persona photoshoot, that's coming later or whenever traincat uploads those photos.

Let me start off by saying one thing that has been bothered me all throughout my Otakon experience this year -- what is with all the half naked anime ladies on pillow cases? This bothers me for so many reasons. I think my first reason is that it's kind of skeevy, my second reason is that I did not see one hunkly anime man on a pillow case. Now I don't necessarily want anyone on a pillow that I rest my head on or hug when I'm having that dream again where Justin Bieber turns out to be my father but I would like some equality when it comes to having pretty people on pillow cases. YEAH, I JUST RANTED ABOUT THE WHOLE "PILLOW BRIDE" PHENOMENON, IT'S GOING TO BE THAT KIND OF POST.

This is me cosplaying the protagonist (Souji Seta) from Persona 4. His hair is honestly that horrifying but I didn't pop the collar enough just yet, I ended up doing the summer uniform which meant that I was ~UNIQUE~ and was lacking a lot of houndstooth. That is a player pin from The World Ends With You on my shirt because there was a symbol on it... and plus the TWEWY pins are cool.

FUN FACT: At the time my real hair under the wig was still recovering from a horrid haircut earlier in the week, it's gotten better since then.

So this is traincat (Rachel) cosplaying Ramona from Scott Pilgrim. Her costume is nicer than mine and she made that bag herself. She also wasn't wearing her glasses so I had to guide her around the con a lot but whatever.

This is Rachel's friend, Ben. She made him that proud Vegan Police sash so that he could punish those who abuse their powers that they gain from veganism. THIS IS A SERIOUS THING IN SCOTT PILGRIM. We hung out with him a lot on the first day and he ended up kicking my ass in the gamer's room on some game neither of us knew how to play. :|

I would like to take this moment to talk about the AMV Contest, which was rather boring this year but still entertaining for moments. Considering that we didn't even have to wait on a long line to be registered for Otakon, the AMV Contest's line could be seen as payback for that. The majority of the videos were okay, but there were more NEVER ENDING AMVS than good ones in the end. I CAN NEVER WATCH DEATH NOTE AGAIN BECAUSE IT REMINDS ME OF THE EIGHT MINUTES I HAD TO LISTEN TO BAD MUSIC AND WATCH LIGHT AND MISA FLUTTER AROUND.

Moving on...

It's Dojima! It's Yosuke! It's... cross-dressing Souji.


I met with these guys later during the photoshoot but that didn't mean we didn't have time for bromance.


Let me explain for those of you who do not know the tale as old as time which is Yosuke's Social Link. I'm not going to explain Social Links because the best I can come up with is "Slice of life Persona loving thingy with romance and bromance and a fox" so let me just explain Rank 10: Yosuke tells Souji that he's sort of jealous of him and his power but instead of being resentful he comes up with the brilliant idea that THEY MUST HAVE A FISTFIGHT so that they can become equals!


And then they become best friends forever and Yosuke's Persona evolves from Jiraya to Susano-O unless you hit the B button

They're special like that. At least it's better than some of the other Social Links where "YOU SHARED AN INTIMATE MOMENT IN YOUR BEDROOM" or something like that. Although I personally always thought that the intimate moment was just an intense game of scrabble.

Because you can hug one party member who specializes in Wind/Garu spells per game

Because they're closer than the average man and wife
that's why their matching braclets say Souji and Yosuke

I had to hug this Yosuke about three times because traincat messed up the picture a couple times when the camera strap kept getting in the way.


More like one Doctor and one awesome Doctor!

Fezzes are cool.

But Virgil Ovid Hawkins is cooler. I swear I saw this guy last year but I failed to get a picture of him, mission accomplished this year.

A sort of fuzzy picture of Angewoman, not sure how she managed to get around the con with all those wings.

That's it for the pictures for now. So I'm going to talk about my swag.

» The Persona 4 Artbook: I've basically seen everything in it online but it's nice to own and I always find concept artwork neat. Teddie, Chie, Kanji, and Rise are the ones who were played with the most while Yosuke and Naoto mostly stayed the same. Also Naoto makes the best faces, she should teamup with Rise postgame so that they can open Holmes and Watson Shirogane and Kujikawa investigations.

» The Persona 3 Artbook: Oddly enough, I did not see the majority of the stuff in here. There are like, eight variants for Thanatos hovering over Minato menacingly. There was a lot of concept art for Yukari too but she did seem to be one of the earliest character designs and they mostly played around with her hair and outfit. Minato looked a bit more normal and gungho and Junpei had a cowboy hat, yes you heard me. Thank your God that they didn't allow Junpei to wear a cowboy hat. My personal favorite is a dramatic picture of Akihiko and Ken that looks like the poster to an emotional adoption movie.

» The Okami Artbook: I've been searching for this for many years, and it was worth it. It's in English too. And it's sexier than sexy sex. Not much to say besides the fact that it is the only book I own that has the phrase "Because nuns are quite sexy and lustful" and I feel proud about owning it now.

In non-Otakon news, welcome this_is_ark, connie_connike, ink_kee, kouriko, and talli_ho to this cosmic horror of a journal. I don't update incredibly often and can go a long time without commenting on your entries but I don't bite and I'm pretty understanding even if I don't always show it. I do flail around a lot too, so watch out for that.

I'm going to start throwing ideas in a hat for Nanowrimo this year, last year was fun but my novel sucked and I will not let that happen again. BECAUSE THIS YEAR, I'M MORE CRAZY, AND CRAZY PEOPLE WRITE WELL. Or I could just plan ahead, but I should probably do both.

sexy nuns, doctor who, bromantic feelings, persona 4, what is this i don't even, digimon, persona 3, nano, otakon, okami

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