Generalised Life Update

Jul 09, 2010 15:25

Napoleonic-Era!Duncan has the best hair of all the Duncans so far. Also, sideburns. Which never hurts. Which is to say, I'm totally watching for the deep philisophical questions about the nature of life and death. Really.

Anyhow, tidying away a few loose ends! I'm still working on 25crossovers, but I officially failed at mini_nanowrimo, and I had to give up on being editor for crossover_news because of time issues. I finished and handed in my entry for sgareversebang, and it should be up in the next week or so. Once the masterlist is up I'll repost it here; in the interim, there's two awesome fics coming out off the comunity per day, and I'd seriously reccomend checking it out.

I wish I had a wider variety of pics to offer, but our main photographer still hasn't uploaded more than a token smattering of shots, so it is what it is. The group shot, for those who want to see all the costumes, is located in this post here.

I'll be following up in a short while with my Arthurian Legends = fanfiction essay; it's long enough that I wanted to give it its own post. At which point I think I've sucessfully followed up on all the things I said I'd do! Unless you count my WIP folder. Which... lets please not count my WIP folder.

reversebigbang, fandom - highlander, mini_nanowrimo, costumes, fandom - firefly, 25crossovers

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