The more I learn about actual medicine, the harder it is to watch TV. That dramatic bullet-removal-followed-by-CPR scene would have been a lot more, well, dramatic, if I hadn't spent the whole time going, "um, or we could just... leave it there, apply pressure, that type of thing, on account of how removing it is actually going to make the bleeding worse especially if you remove it using that knife oh god put the knife down!"
In related news, CPR is actually not going to bring back someone whose heart stopped because of bloodloss. In related related news, getting shot in the shoulder is actually serious shit, lots of big blood vessels and complicated joints and suchlike, so if you want your charecter to take a bullet but still be fine by the next episode, go the way of SGA:
shoot 'em in the ass. (Okay, so that particular scene involves an arrow, not a bullet. My point still stands.)
By all of this, you should deduce that I spent this morning studying for my French exam, not watching Sanctuary. Because watching Sanctuary would have been a very foolish life choice.
ETA: Could I possibly have made any MORE typos in this post...?
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