Title: Glutton's Guilt
Fandom: GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Pairing: Mamiya Natsuki/Nishihori Sakura
Theme: #13, Peaceful day
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: Mild spoilers for Task 8. It's not as slashy as I'd hoped, but the more serious fic I've been working on stalled and I thought maybe a fluffy drabble might help me gear up. Also, first time writing for Sakura and the pairing, so watch out.
Usually Sakura would object to over half the team taking the day off, but once she remembered she could go out to eat for the first time in ages, she decided that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea-- just this once. She couldn't remember enjoying herself this much since, well... she couldn't pinpoint an exact date, but she did know this was the first honestly peaceful day for the team since Masumi and Natsuki joined.
Natsuki... Sakura felt a twinge of guilt as she finished her tea. Earlier the girl had accused her of gobbling up her candy stash without permission, and she had retorted that of course it hadn't been her. That was true. What she neglected to mention was that it wasn't her because Souta and Masumi had helped with finishing it off. In her defense, she'd honestly thought it was there for everyone until Masumi mentioned that Natsuki always did hide away the best sweets, but she doubted that would offer Natsuki and her growling stomach much comfort.
As idea struck her as Sakura searched her purse, and yes, she did have enough yen to cover the bill and a little something for Natsuki. At some point, she was going to have to apologize and face the wrath of a starving Natsuki, but hoped that maybe she could soften her ire with a little brib-- er, bargaining.
Besides, after seeing her sulk all day, it'd be nice to see Natsuki smile again.
Cross-posted to my lj,
pink_and_yellow, and
30_soldiers. Sorry if you see this more than once.