Title: "Love Multiplies" Genre: Romance/Fluff/Family Pairing: MinKey Rating: G Words: 1131 Warnings: "It's so fluffy I could die!" Summary: There are far too many children in the world who feel unwanted and need homes. Minho and Kibum have finally found something that will expand their love and make their lives complete.
Title: "Hug Bandit" Fandom: K-pop/SHINee Genre: Friendship/Romance(ish)/FLUFF Pairing(ish): OnTae Words: >1150 Rating: G Warnings: Self-edited. I don't believe in betas cause they don't believe in me. D:
Title: "A Colorful World" (1/2) Fandom: K-pop/SHINee Genre: Romance/Hurt-Comfort Pairing: MinKey (Minho + Key) Rating: G Word Count: >1000 Summary: When living in a world of white, the only person who cares will provide a way out.
Title: “While You’re Sleeping” Fandom: SHINee Genre: Romance/Fluff Pairing: Minho/Key A/N: Minho's POV Rating: G Summary: This is what my dreams are made of.