Wakey wakey...

Jul 24, 2008 07:45

...eggs and bakey!

Here's Primal Scream, with "Can't Go Back":

image Click to view

Direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8JHgu4XZOQ

And sorry to everyone who felt "spammed" by the band's information service, after signing-up for the free song download a few weeks ago. It should be less busy now that the album's out (in two versions - one including the above video in QuickTime format, plus bonus tracks, and access - via PC - to an exclusive online interview with the band).

However, it really is a terrific album...


Edit: Steve Ballmer (yeah, you remember him) rallies the Micro$oft troops with a cheery note that might leave some people wondering what the "FY" really stands for...


Bottom line: Hulk smash Google!

(Cheers to A for the heads-up.)


Mid-morning Coffee Break Groan Edit: Colin's attitude towards remakes is slightly more complex than my own, admittedly, but he's spot on regarding MTV's plans for Rocky Horror...



Tailnote: I sent out what was probably an unforgivably impersonal e-mail to the last-known electronic addresses of everyone involved in the HG and TG projects/newsletters/websites/spin-offs late last night. As of eleven o'clock this morning, however, I've heard back from all but two significant people associated with those heady days of the British Raj technocratic underground, c.1998-2002. Consider me impressed, and even humbled.

Since wallowing in personal nostalgia isn't really my style, but I felt it would be downright rude not to mark the collaborative digital divide* decade in some way, my sincere thanks to everyone who's chipped in with memories, anecdotes, Where The Hell Are They Now? notes, and blatant gung-ho cynicism. *G* As originally suggested, I'll try and incorporate the resultant stew into a piece on Eternally Arcane for the weekend. (And cheers to L for bringing me up to speed regarding the sad demise of Benson's World. To be perfectly honest, I put the lack of recent catalogues from 'em down to not ordering anything for well over a year, and hadn't realized they'd ceased trading altogether. Odd that the website's still up, though: http://www.bensonsworld.co.uk)

For those who really have moved on - past the final peripheral visions* towards unaccountable respectability, and crushing adulthood - your work's not forgotten, and please be assured that you're not missing any kind of party, or anything. ;o)

*If you stumble across these references, and experience a dim light going on in your brain, there's an outside chance you were involved back then in some way, either as a casual writer/contributor, or a reader. Meatsticks, the lot of you. And Windows Vista no longer sucks. (That's from Anna. Re: Vista, although the OS has always struck me as an "in-between" Longhorn compromise, nearly all of her points have been spookily reinforced by this post: http://www.ghacks.net/2008/07/24/vista-v-xp-etc-continued/)

muso, films, marketing, links, friends, techie stuff, personal, biz-buzz, mytubes

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