Okay this is just my opinion and I don’t know how many people will read it but who else feels like Russell is getting back at us about our love for Ianto.
· We have been left without much back story to the character and with the tit bit we had not fully explain
o Aka providence park
· What other writer has told us (his dad
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Killing Ianto and having Jack make the awful decision to sacrifice his own grandson gave the writers the excuse they needed to get Jack off the planet and possibly out of the rest of whatever story Torchwood might have left. Maybe the organisastion is rebuilt and maybe Gwen stays on and fights the aliens and whatnot or maybe that's it for Torchwood. Given that most of the original cast is dead or gone, I cannot see how they can really continue, unless they build up a completely new cast. I cannot see Jack returning to Earth any time soon though.
Either the BBC bosses have some secret shows they are convinced will be just as popular if not moreso or logic has abandoned them completely.
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