Okay so--lol ftw? There's prayer in my school now. Fuckin' prayer. And yes. We are a public school. Now, I honestly don't have an issue with a religion. So long as it doesn't try to soul-rape me, I don't bash it and everyone's happy. Yes, I'll roll my eyes at things some sects of Christianity will say, but only because it goes against my own personal beliefs.
But putting goddamn prayer in public schools? Go fuck yourself up th' ass. I'm very content to be agnostic and not have Christians control my life. Pledge of Allegiance is bad enough, I don't need 'prayer time' at the beginning of my first class every damn day. If I want to Saved, I'll trot on over to the church across the street or go to a Catholic school or join the Youth Alive club at my school. As it is, I'm content with Hell/Summerland/etc. I'll see about taking a vacation in Heaven some other time.
If there is prayer in school, I demand that there also be animal sacrifice for the Satanists (I'll offer up my cat), tree-hugging for the pagans, and other stuff that the other religions do.
Despite all that, I'm feeling oddly confident in my writing skillz, so here are some fics before I can freak out and not post them. Also--can anyone answer for me WHY on FFnet in the character listings for Charmed there is 'Chris P' and 'Chris H'? And also 'Wyatt' and 'Wyatt H'? Hello? Same people. ONE LETTER MAKE A DIFFERENCE DOES NOT.
This first one is for Charmed, something I haven't actively watched for over a year now. Here's a small bit of lyrics I wanted to include in it, but felt that it was, in the end, too disruptive. They are, though, so perfect for the story that I had to at least mention them here.
"Be still my son
You're home
Oh when did you become so cold?
The blade will keep on descending
All you need is to feel my love
Search for beauty, find your shore
Try to save them all, bleed no more
You have such oceans within
In the end
I will always love you."
"The Poet and the Pendulum : Mother & Father" - Nightwish
Rating: PG
Fandom: Charmed
Pairing: some Chris/Bianca
Summary: Because 'alone' is something Chris is tired of being. OneShot.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Silent Hill 4
Pairing: Eileen/Henry
Summary: Every time he enters that room, it feels like he's giving up a piece of his soul. [For Henry, the nightmares never ended.] Post game; Mother ending. OneShot.