Pairing: KinKi Kids
Characters: to be revealed later
Rating: NC-17 (finally! ^^ )
Disclaimer: Don't own the JE boys (duh!), but OCs are mine and I created the story
Setting: AU
Warnings: Creepy, language, sex
Koichi is in huge dilemma. Not only because of his affair with a hunter, but also because his current mission proves to get out of hand at a certain point. It doesn't really help that a certain hunter is the one who will save the day - if not in a way Koichi sees fit. Decisions have to be made. And Koichi learns how very easily your decisions are influenced by your emotions.
Notes: Update. :D Hey, guys. Sorry for hte long wait - yet again. -_-# This one took me long, but I hope you'll enjoy it. They're finally doing it. ^^ I wonder if anyone will even notice the kind of twist Koichi's chracter is taking. ^^" At any rate, please enjoy.
"If I ever see your face again, I'll dissolve you personally." )