welcome. i have some great stuff you can read if you want. or i can just keep encouraging you to go through our volunteer training where you will have lots and lots of conversations about this...
But like we were talking the other day - I just don't know how much I could take the contemptuous feel of it, ya know? The whole "you don't know what it's like so don't try and pretend that you can feel what I feel" type aspect. I think that's what makes me shy away from really, really jumping in. I understand that I don't know how you feel. I get it. Really. Can we move beyond it so I can at least try to help?
i think it is a bit different for volunteers. there is a different expectation of you than of me, as the boss laydee. but it would be hard. harder yet for those who experience it everyday and don't get the option of not talking about it because they don't want to. oy...
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