May 23, 2007 22:39
It's only been three months since I posted last? I'd have guessed a hell of a lot longer than that.
Parks are cool. Earlier today, I was sitting at Buckman park in NWPO, waiting for Kelly to show up so we could practice some throwing and catching, and instead found myself totally drawn into society providing me a with a hell of a learning opportunity. I was really happy when I realized that Buckman Park was actually a part of Buckman Elementary School, and that I'd arrived just in time to watch all the kids as they were let out for the day. Because, you know, kids are like totally awesome and shit. And I want to raise 298 of them.
But I digress. Anyways. Back to society and its wake up call. It was quite intriguing.
NW Portland elementary school students being loaded onto buses to be carted home: All either Caucasian or Asian. Not one African American, Latino, Pacific Islander or Native American. Seriously. I looked.
NW Portland elementary school teachers on playground/bus/general duty: Ditto.
Number of upper class SUVs and/or sports cars noticed: above the number of digits available to count with on my body.
Number of Latino workers across the street laying sod in the yard of a three story, beautiful home: six.
For so long, I've heard, over and over again, how the construction of American society so easily allows for discrimination against minorities, but aside from discrimination against homosexuality, I've never really noticed it since I'm part of the majority population. Today was different, however. Today it was laid out before me. Today, the simple setting of a group of children being loaded onto a bus across the street from six people working on a yard provided an example of the unwritten law within our society which dictates how the difference in status, class, and role totally has everything to do with the color of your skin.
I felt guilty for finding it so interesting. But I did, nevertheless.
I felt stupid for never having noticed it so plainly. But at least I see it now.
And I felt really stupid for having written countless sociology/minority papers on this exact subject, all without my clear knowledge and understanding of the topic. My bad.
Huh. Anyways. Jordan Sparks like totally sucks, man.