Jul 05, 2009 14:41
Well, I'm glad I didn't buy tickets for Anime Expo ahead of time. I've been pretty much out of commision since Wednesday with an ear infection. Any Fourth activities were right out as well, although John did have some friends and his mom over to BBQ. Felt bad I couldn't take the kids over to the parade, but they at least got to walk over to school to watch the fireworks from the hill in front of Dwyer. They were supposed to have been extra special as Huntington Beach is 100 years old this year.
I went to the doctor Wednesday and the nurse practitioner who saw me prescribed some antibiotic ear drops, but nothing else-seemed odd, as when my kids have gotten them they get an oral antibiotic as well. They seem to be taking forever to work. I'm laying off on the ibuprofen today to see if anything has actually improved. It still hurts and the left side of my face is still swollen (making it difficult to chew), but I don't think I'm getting the stabbing pains quite as often. It's still all clogged up though; the only thing I can hear though it is the whooshing of my own pulse. I've already missed three days of work, and I have an assignment that's pretty urgent to do, dammit. I don't think I can take any more time off.
I will later in the month though - we got word last week we get to take another furlough day a month. Whee.
Kids are a little disappointed about Anime Expo; we could only afford to go for one day, but I'll have to see if there are any other local cons we can go to later in the year.