have you been following
team america.. "We blow Janeane Garofalo's head clean off, [but for the MPAA] it's all about the positions of the dolls having sex," Parker said. "It's not funny - it's tragic." [
the guardian]
and parker and stone released
sean penn's letter to the dynamic duo. the letter was written
after the two criticized p diddy's
vote or die campaign by asking uninformed voters to just stay home.
..so what is up with the MPAA anyway - puppet oral sex is too graphic - of course, they let the real thing into R movies all the time.
..and this election. it seems to be bringing out the worst in people. maybe i'm ignorant, but i have trouble believing that one election for one elected office is going to change our world. and the even sadder part is that no one should feel this way, that was the purpose of the federalist system, to not lay too much power with any one person/group.
i'm just thinking maybe we've fucked this up a bit.
but i can't wait to see the movie.