AVN 'flu

Feb 06, 2007 11:01

It is a commonly known fact in the business world that winter is a time of reduced productivity due to the so called "manflu" epidemic that usually strikes, leaving entire offices dependent on the (often superlative) efforts of competent female staff.

However this year a more dangerous epidemic has landed on Britain's shores. Arriving by avian carrier this disease, known to the medical profession as AVN 'flu, is being described in the boardroom as P45N1 .

P45N1 is feared to spread through airborne transmission and via physical vectors such as rest-room taps and basins. Other suspected means of infection include shared keyboards and cigarettes. Fortunately exposure to "manflu" can provide a vaccinatory effect and scientists are working on isolating a vaccine from this source. The already observed gender bias in cases of "manflu" is however expected to cause a significant complementary bias in cases of P45N1 which leads to the street name for the disease: bird flu.

†On the wings of a dove .
‡lit: livid pigeon
∗Details of employee leaving work due to death or other severe impairment.

silly, random

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