A sad day...

Mar 04, 2008 15:37

Very sad.

Today Gary Gygax, creater of Dungeons and Dragons, has passed away.

As a kid, of course, I was a D&D player and it informed a lot of who I am because it gave me a place where I belonged.

As an adult I found I'd moved past D&D's not-so-great rules and the d20 stuff was always too gamey for my liking (this despite having a couple of books for it published).

However, Gary was a visionary. A guy who saw and created something that no one else really did. He gave the world roleplaying - and how many millions of kids had their lives changed by that? Chris worked with him a bit during the Slayer's Guide to Dragons art and he was apparently a very nice man. I never had the pleasure, and that kind of saddens me a bit.

Rest in peace, sir. You've changed the lives of millions and most of those lives for the better. Few can claim so much.

Mike M.

(Author: Slayer's Guide to Troglodytes and Ships of the Elves for d20 Dungeons and Dragons)
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