When; Saturday, Feb. 2nd
Where; Hassaleh
Rating; PG 13
Characters; B-ko Daitokuji, Ramirez, Xelha
Summary; OSTA has learned of a mysterious plant growing on a floating island that could be the answer to some of their troubles. But will the inhabitants give it up so easily?
It's not exactly pirating. I just need some of your plants. Would protection of your world suffice as payment? )
Comments 8
The island was small, after all; its only contact with the outside world these days was a small skyliner from Alfard that dropped by twice a week. And even then, that usually only marked the pickup of what products the islanders gathered and created and delivered the payment that the market paid for those. It wasn't much, but the inhabitants were grateful for even that. It had been only twenty-five years since their able-bodied had been used for slave labor. At least those days were long gone.
The first thing anyone would notice about Hassaleh would be the thornwood. Thick vines curled over the island, threatening to even crawl along the ramshackle docks. It was spring for the island: here and there, large pink flowers bloomed from the vines, with still more buds yet to open.
Nothing else would be there to greet them: it wasn't skyliner day. There were no islanders there with their goods, ready to ship to Alfard.
Perhaps OSTA's arrival would go unnoticed.
As they reached the village, the Silvite boy barely even blinked in recognition. Instead, he kept a close eye out for assailants, ready to strike should the need arise.
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