When; Saturday, Feb. 2nd
Where; Hassaleh
Rating; PG 13
Characters; B-ko Daitokuji, Ramirez, Xelha
Summary; OSTA has learned of a mysterious plant growing on a floating island that could be the answer to some of their troubles. But will the inhabitants give it up so easily?
It's not exactly pirating. I just need some of your plants. Would protection of your world suffice as payment? )
Their entrance to the village didn't go entirely unnoticed. There was a herd of a few strange animals, perhaps reminding B-ko of goats with wings, that glanced at the new arrivals.
The apparent shepherd, a boy of about fifteen or sixteen noticed them, too. As did a female shopkeeper across the pavilion. More distantly, a group of children stop what they're doing to stare at the group.
It's the shepherd who breaks off from his herd, and hails B-ko and Ramirez. "Hey! Newcomers, right?" He tries to unobtrusively glance at the sky. Then, he continues, focusing on B-ko. "Where're you from? Your clothing's so--" He blushes. "Er, yeah... So, uh, welcome to Sheratan! I'm, uh, Ilangi."
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