You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
Stolen from
sweetwithdrawl, even though I'm supposed to be sleeping. >>;
1. Name
Tiffany Wynne Peake. "Wynne" is pronounced like the word "win". Before I was born, my Mom knew a guy whose name was Wynn, and she really liked it, so when she had me she added an E to make it more feminine and made it my middle name. I think it's... different. I don't really have anything against it or anything, but I'm not like super happy! about it either. *shrug*
Tiffany means "manifestation of God" (which totally works for me XD) and Wynne means "the white". I think Peake means "from the mountain top" or something similar, but I can't remember for sure.
If I had been born blonde instead of with dark hair, I would have been called Crystal.
2. Age
I turn 26 on January 3rd. It's crazy and I don't know how I feel about it. I freaked out when I was turning 25 last year, but this year... I dunno, I guess it depresses me to be this old and have nothing to show for it. ~_~;;
3. Location
Ontario, Canada~ <3
Almost three months ago I moved out of my parents' home (for the second time) and into my first apartment of my very own. The last one I lived in for five years with my step-sister and it was a nightmare. The one I'm in now is smaller and has it's problems, but it's mine and I love that about it.
Plus it took forever to find one I could afford (and I can't even really afford this one, but it's better than any of the others I've seen) and that would let me bring my animals with me. When you're apartment shopping and say "I've got three cats" a lot of doors slam in your face. >>;
4. Occupation?
I can't work right now because I'm on disability. I have a multitude of health problems that make even day-to-day living hard. I really wish I could get rid of them and get back to working though. Being on disability and unable to do anything makes me feel really worthless.
I do however do custom My Little Ponies, jewelry and preserves and sell them online. It doesn't bring in much, but I still have fun with it.
5. Partner?
I've never had one. Never even been out on a date. Never even been asked on a date. And it sounds terrible, but I can see why. I'm not exactly the pick of the litter.
6. Kids?
Only if I can give them back at the end of the day. I don't like children much and don't have the patience for them. >>;
7. Brothers/Sisters?
I have one actual brother, Graeme. He's almost two years younger than me. When he was a kid I hated him with a passion, since he pretty much lived to make my life miserable. But the last few years he's grown up a lot and now we're pretty good friends. We laugh and joke around a lot and he's fun to spend time with now.
I also have three step-siblings. Sarah is the oldest and while I love her to bits, also the most frustrating and infuriating. She's a massive hypochondriac, and I'm fairly sure she's also a classic case of Muchousen Syndrome. I lived with her for a few years and saw how she would be fine when she thought she was alone, and then as soon as someone called or came over she'd start acting all sick and disabled. She does it for attention. Anyway, that aside she's a lovely, generous person and now that I'm not living with her we get along fine.
Then there's Brad, though I haven't seen him in forever. He lives a couple of cities away with his girlfriend and we don't get to see him much. Mom and Lee went to visit about a month ago though, and I'm told he's doing fine. That was good to hear because back in the winter he broke his leg really badly in like four places. >>;;
Then finally there's Amy. She's the youngest of my step-siblings, but still older than me. She's the tomboy of the family. She lives with a friend across town and they have two chihuahuas whose names I can never remember. XD; *fail* I haven't seen her in a while either, but Mom and Lee go over on a semi-regular basis for dinner and that sort of thing. :)
8. Pets?
Neko: My oldest kitty, he's almost 8. His actual name is Osiris, but when he was young he ended up with the nickname "Neko" and it stuck. Now it's the only thing he answers to. Haha. He's huge and the biggest suck in the world. All he wants to do all day every day is have cuddles... except when it's dinner time. Then he wants his food AND HE WANTS IT FIVE MINUTES AGO MOM. lol.
Triton: My middle kitty, he's almost 5. Tri was accidentally poisoned when he was a very young kitten, and it stunted his growth; he stopped growing about the size of a six-month-old kitten. So he's tiny and has huge eyes and ears and is generally adorable. He also KNOWS he's adorable, and has got begging down to a science. >>;
Loki: My youngest kitty, he's almost 3. Loki is the only one of my cats that didn't come from Dad and Lois' farm. I got him from a friend of Sarah's. Unfortunately, Loki suffers from really bad allergies and is always scratching his face up. It took two years, but finally a month ago I found a medication that works, and now all the scabs are gone and the scars are hidden since all his hair has grown back!
Phantom: My oldest bunny. A rex. She hates me. In fact, she hates everyone. Except for my brother. She loves him for some reason I can't figure out. She loves to be picked up and petted by him. The only time I can even stick my hand in the cage without her threatening to bite is if I have food offerings. The only time I'm allowed to pick her up is if said offerings are cheerios. She is obsessed with them.
Phoenix: My Netherland dwarf bunny. She's all black, with a tiny white patch on her chest. She's a little skittish but completely handleable. She loves apple. She's quite the spitfire with the other rabbits though, if she was bigger she'd probably be the dominant girl. <3
Pauper: My Dutch dwarf bunny. I got her at the same time as I got Phantom. She's black and white with blue eyes. She loves oranges. Pauper doesn't like the actual process of being picked up and put down (I think she gets vertigo) but once she's up she likes to cuddle.
Pagan: My mini-lop, and the first of my boy bunnies. Obviously, he lives apart from the girls. He's kind of a patchwork of white and black, and he's the snuggliest thing ever. All he wants to do when he's out of his cage is cuddle up and be petted. Or pester the girls through the cage bars. Haha.
Peter: My newest bunny, and second boy. He lives apart too. The store I got him from said he was a Netherland dwarf, but I'm 99.9% sure he's a mix breed of some kind. Definitely not a Netherland though. But that doesn't matter. He's a sweet little guy and I love him to bits.
Sora: My oldest rat. He's a black hooded. He's really outgoing and friendly, and loves to be held and stroked. He's also greedy though, and begs for everything I eat. His favourite treat is popcorn.
Riku: One of my new rats. He's white with a grey hood and some grey splotches here and there. He's really high-strung and excitable, and doesn't like to hold still when you're holding him. He's still too little to be about to roam around freely, but when he's big enough I know he'll love it. He's funny with his food, always stashing everything in one corner, and then Sora will go over and dig through it and make a mess, so Riku has to go and clean it up and stuff everything back in the corner again. XD;
Roxas: Roxy... was supposed to be a boy, and turned out to be female. ~_~; Oh well. She's a Siamese-point coloured rat, and super friendly. She likes to be out and dig in your clothing when you're holding her. She's too little to be out yet too. I got her at the same time as Riku, but then I had to separate them a few days later when I realized she was a girl.
Ciel: My beta fish. My last beta fish (Teal) suicided a few months back, and I got Ciel the same time I got Peter from the new pet store downtown.
9. List the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life:
1) Doctors' Appointments
2) Arts and Crafts (jewelry making, custom MLP, etc.)
3) Supernatural (yeah shut up. :P)
4) Trying to scrape by with no money. ~_~;;
10. Parents?
My Mom (Brenda) works at the casino just outside of town. She's been working there for 13 years now. This past spring she was diagnosed with cancer, but the end of September she was operated on and now she's officially cancer-free. ^_^
My step-dad (Lee) works at an electrical supply type place. He plays in a band called Never Too Old To Rock, which is actually kind of cool. They do really good music, classics and that kind of thing.
My Dad (Marshal) works for Neilson Dairy in Georgetown. He's a huge, huge Star Wars fan and has been collecting SW paraphanalia ever since the first movie came out. His collection is MASSIVE and even I find it awesome, which is something since I don't like SW. He's also a b-movie fan, so we swap movies a lot.
My step-mom (Lois) works part-time at a pet store, but mostly she runs Lorimist kennels. She breeds and sells purebred Pommeranians, and her dogs are gorgeous. She also has standards, and refuses to sell dogs to people she hasn't met; that way she can get a feel for them and make sure the puppies go to good homes.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
My closest IRL friend used to be C.A., but I haven't really talked to her in forever and haven't actually seen her in two years. She's living overseas right now. I had a lot of other close friends IRL besides her as well, but the last time I saw any of them was January.
I have a lot of good online friends, but in particular Kiin is the one I'm closest to. Also Maddie and Chloe and Steph, and Pronnie and Michelle, Crissy and Mel, though we don't talk as much as we used to. That's my fault though, I haven't been on aim much at all since Mom's diagnosis back in the spring. I need to get back on and connect with everyone again.
EDIT: I have been keeping in touch with Michi though. <3
Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in or curious about. It can be anything from my favorite possession to anything else. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry, I'll snap the pictures and post them in the next post/comments.