Life's Bullshite

Feb 04, 2007 21:28

...but in case anyone does want to read this, here's the background stuff; nestled comfortably among my many ailments/diseases/disorders/whatever is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. For those who don't know, it means I have multiple cysts growing on my ovaries. In general, they're considered benign, but they tend to cause other health issues, because they affect hormone production and regulation, and things like that.

Now, in my case, they did an ultrasound when they originally made the diagnosis, and not only do I have cysts, I have large ones. The average ovary is 5-7 centimeters long, and mine are 11 + 1/2 to 12 centimeters. Basically, I have cysts that are the same size as the natural ovaries themselves. This isn't "typical" for POS.

Based on that, usually the doctor would opt to do surgery to have the cysts removed, but because of my age, they decided against it, because the surgery would involve removing not just the cysts, but part of the ovaries as well, and would inhibit my ability to have children in the future, should I choose to. (I told her I don't want kids so it's fine with me, but she's being stubborn on the issue.)

Aside from surgery, there isn't anything they can do to "treat" the problem. The only thing they can do is attempt to deal with some of the side effects/symptoms.

Now's the part that no one wants to know. XD;

Before I was diagnosed with POS, I had a grand total of 2-3 periods a year, and they only lasted about three days on average. They were, however extremely painful when they did occur. (So painful that they basically crippled me, all I could do was curl up and try to sleep the whole time it was happening.) Pain aside, it's not healthy/good for a woman to only have three periods a year; the only reason it was happening with me is because the cysts screwed up my hormones so badly.

Since it's about the only thing that they can try to treat, my doctor decided to do something about it, and began trying me on various brands of birth control pills, to try to help my body with hormones since it isn't regulating them on it's own.

At first, she had me on one that had very high hormone levels in it; it worked wonders for regulating my periods, but there was too much estrogen in it, and made me sick as hell. The second one she tried me on was basically the same.

The third kind didn't make me sick, but didn't do anything for regulating me (and since that was the point...). Then she put me onto Marvelon, which is what I'm on now.



Because the hormone levels in it are royally FUCKED UP, and since I started on it a couple of months ago, I've been having periods EVERY SECOND WEEK, for a WHOLE WEEK AT A TIME. That's two full weeks of bleeding every month. One week on, one week off, one week on, one week off...

And on top of that, it doesn't do squat for the pain. So now, instead of having three periods a year for three days each that were cripplingly painful, I'm having twenty four for a week each that are still cripplingly painful! Right now, I'm on my third period since the beginning of January.



Right. Moving on!

All that aside, I need money. ;_____;

I need money so badly I think I'm gonna have to sell some of my collection(s). Right now I'm looking at my set of MIB Gundam Wing mech figures (about 20 in all, I believe), and wishing to hell I didn't have to consider putting them up on ebay. >>;

And I don't know... I might have to put some of my Sailormoon stuff up, as well.

I think I have one or two doujinshi I might be willing to part with too...

Le sigh. Life sucks ass. -____-;

EDIT: I can't afford to be on my period all the time like this! It's expensive! I'm going fucking bankrupt from buying pads! ><;;;

Uh. And buying twins merchandise. >>;

no money ;__;, doctor, sick, prescriptions, ebay, screw you world

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