Sep 19, 2006 16:50
A very odd thought crossed my mind today on the drive home from work.
"I wonder what was in Hitler's wallet when he died?"
Did he have cash on him? Did he use cash? He was the leader of the frikin Nazi's for God's sake, so what would he need money for? To tip his underlings?
Did he have a picutre of his wife? I know she wasn't a looker-she was German now...or Austrian...what ever she was ugly.
They didn't have credit cards back then...not that he would have needed one.
So what exactly would have been in his wallet?
This thought led to others about other famous people who have died suddenly.
John Lennon? Did he have drugs on him when he was shot? Did he have a song written down he was working on? Would he have carried cash or used a credit card?
John F. Kennedy? Did he have M. Monroe's phone number on him? Did he have cash? Anything embarassing in his wallet that the medical examiner saw and just thought "What the fuck is he doing with this on him?"
The list could go on and on if I listed all the people I thought of on that 8 minute drive home, with a detour to pick up my daughter from my mothers...but then I would reveal how quite the loser I indeed am.