
Aug 11, 2006 16:31

So I had a colonoscopy on Wednesday. Much more pleasant than the last time I had one. They actually sedated me this time and it was pain free. The only thing that hurt was my pride, but I have so little of that anyway, it didn't make a difference...ha.
Well, anyone who knows me, knows I have had...um...I'll just say "bowel" problems for years. Along with a family history of not such good things when it comes to these thypes of, well, things, I am on a routine as of now for check ups. This one, so far has been good news I guess. I had two polyps removed. This is good in the sense that they were caught before they could have become cancerous. But in another way pretty shitty in the sense that I can expect more of them to pop up in the future. So now I am resigned to the fact that this will be an every two year event for me. Oh well, 'tis life I guess.
Better be safe than...well, you know.
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