Nov 04, 2003 22:31
i'm sad no winter gaurd for this little gleason too much to do and not enough time... so hopefully no regrets!!
the play is this week i'm very excited & the school show is back on!!! HAHAHAHA we just can't be stopped! anyway pracitce today.. well let's just not go into that cuz i think i'm perminatly scared from that convo.
it's offical i have a cilt meeting the 15th of this month and i'm excited cuz i get to see anna, cheri and rufous and i'm feeling better and less worried about cilt cuz i got 2 things singed off today and looked at what i have left to do.. almost all my cilt 1 stuff is done just a few things here & there that i have to wait for it to be warm or to be at camp for.. so i'm not worried and (almost) all the cilt 2 stuff is writting an essay about this or a paper on that or explaining something.. so i know it will take time but i have conifdence once again whcih is a VERY VERY VERY good thing!
i got to talk to some of my beloved campy people tonite!!! it made me all warm and fuzzy inside!! i love you all so much!!
what else is new in this carzy thing we like to call life, humm let's see..... lot's of stuff but some i can't say, and other stuff well i don't know i don't feel like typing cuz i'm tired and should be doin homework that i haven't done yet then goin to bed so i don't die this weekend.