022- The saddest part is that he's actually kind of trying, really.

Jan 21, 2009 15:33

Man, everybody always flips their shit when people go missing. Like it's surprising or something. Please, guys, this shit happens all the time. It's not worth getting your panties in such a twist over. "Oh, no, this mystical island that takes us from our homes and gives us amnesia for laughs has randomly decided to put somebody I know back! I'm going to cry about it all over the journals!"

Come on, the ones who get to go back are the lucky ones! They don't have to worry about randomly getting turned into a girl or a fairy tale or a pirate or what the fuck ever the stupid island feels like doing to us next. So just--. Stop being so goddamn emo over it. Christ.

And, uh, hey, Danny. When were you planning on telling me you can walk through fucking walls?

disappearances, -simon (epicdigger), -simmons (thetankisalie), !memento_eden, grif is a jerktown, -danny (totallynotaspaz), -t.o.e. (1_electronic), -teatime (not_4oclock), -kallen (ace_of_11s), -yuki (nagatodotexe), yay roomies

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