sempaimiles Apr 17, 2011 17:00
susan soares, smith college, team werewolf, jim lawson, jolly roger studios, david white, runners, knights of the shroud, northampton, webcomic, mecha, jon chad, mega manthology, sean wang, comics, pin up girls, percy and grimm, colleen frakes, cj joughin, everett soares, convention, massachusetts, paint & pixel, michael dooney, mo oh, blog, matt aucoin, matt bayne
sempaimiles Sep 27, 2010 17:55
chris warren, susan soares, jeveli's, cathy leman, indie, sheetrock, david marshall, trees and hills, randall drew, boston, dan mazur, art school fraud, publishers, comics, dan barlow, everett soares, massachusetts, convention, matt young, festival, blog, mice, boston comics roundtable