Holiday Cheer!

Dec 14, 2008 14:35

Some time ago, I thought about taking fic requests for Christmas. I didn't and honestly I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to complete them on time.

Then I found this challenge at start_writing_2 and I thought about something. Instead of offering fics, I can offer reviews or comments. I don't want to set up a goal, ideally there's no such thing as too many!

Please feel free to spread the word, and link this where you see fit. The more, the merrier!

Take your marks! Set!

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  • Dear F-list, if there's a post you'd like me to comment on, please tell me!
  • Dear stranger, if you came here by chance or rec or link. Hi! Welcome!
  • Dear writers, if I left you a comment and you didn't like what I said, please contact me via PM, I'll be glad to discuss whatever it is I wrote that you didn't appreciate. Sorry if you thought I was too harsh, but I'm a Capricorn, I criticize and have a craving for explanations, I'm also fun and friendly (I think).
Also remember, you certainly know better, you speak, hear and read English everyday. I don't!

That's all folks! One more thing,

* * * HAPPY HOLIDAYS * * *

holiday cheer

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