Fan Fiction: B&S - In Their Hearts

Nov 21, 2008 17:34

TITLE: In Their Hearts
AUTHOR: semisweetsoul
CHARACTER: Kitty Walker
TABLE: Romance
PROMPT: #16 Rose
WORD COUNT: 200 words
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, just borrowing for a minute or two.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Pre-series. I wrote this June 1st, 2008. I only post it now! Written for my claim at drabble123.

In their hearts

When Kitty enters her apartment that night, she is surprised to see five bouquets of roses on her living-room table. She wonders what the occasion is, and it’s only after reading the first card that she realizes today, September 19 is her birthday.

It’s like a rainbow in her apartment, five bouquets of roses, each of a different color, and she laughs as she pictures her parents and siblings asking each other what her favorite flower color is and purposely answer they don’t know to be the only one to come out right.

It is not Tommy’s yellow roses, Sarah’s pink bunch, Kevin’s red ones, or the elegant bouquet from her father Saul and Justin she notices first.

She only pays attention to a mauve bud vase with a white rose, the lost island in the middle of an ocean of shades.

She doesn’t need to read the card to know who sent it.

Nora and Kitty haven’t talked in almost two years, but today, Kitty wants to make an exception and when she hears her mother’s voice on the machine, she hesitates a second and says, “Of all the Walkers, only you remembered my favorite rose color. Thanks Mom”.


writing challenge: drabble123, 2008!fic, fic: brothers & sisters, fan fiction

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