Fan Fiction: B&S - A Funny Anecdote

Oct 09, 2008 23:31

Title: A Funny Anecdote
Author: semisweetsoul
Fandom: Brothers & Sisters
Character: Kevin Walker
Table: In the Dark
Prompt: #6 Dancing in the dark
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a minute or two.
Notes: Written for my claim at drabble123.

A Funny Anecdote

“I love this place!” Tommy yells, his voice covered by the loud music and chatter. He sits back and downs his cocktail and half of Kevin’s without even asking.

“To Sam!” he grins goofily and Kevin wonders if he’s ever seen his older brother this drunk before.

“This break up is the best thing that’s happened to me, Kev!”

Kevin wants to approve, though that would be lying: the family loved Sam. The news of the break up was unexpected.

“I’m free, Kev! Now, I need meaningless sex, right here, right now!”

Kevin seems uneasy. Does Tommy know where they are?

“Sounds like a nice plan, but I doubt you’d find anything to suit your need here!”

“You’re kidding! The place is packed!”

“Yes indeed,” Kevin says swallowing a laugh with a sip of alcohol.

Tommy’s eyes survey the area. Before he can send Kevin an angry look, three guys drag him on the dance floor.

Kevin is embarrassed for Tommy, yet a bit envious. He laughs as Tommy clumsily tries to chase away groping hands.

Kevin believes Tommy learned his lesson: never scream you need pointless sex in a bar full of horny gay guys, especially if you’re straight.


writing challenge: drabble123, 2008!fic, fic: brothers & sisters, fan fiction

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