Dec 03, 2005 18:28
8 years to destory America
When Jr. said "will smoke them out" he lived up to his promise making lives unattainable reality for the unborns a unsustainabled reality for the living sentencing people and there futures generations to a predtermined death sentence we the people dont need you jr. this is not reality t.v. blood is shed everyday just for you moron after your orthers of bombing villages and killings of villagers when are you going to be straped up and fight the war like a russain barbarin we dont need you jr. cut the crap cut the genocide we dont need to bomb the hell out of a country becuz they dont like us the monster isnt aids its you fuck you why do we let a doochebag into office at a time like you we need a better future we are being taking down and raped our towns are being taking over our souls are falling none of this shit makes sence killing inocent lives and spending bodys to make a difference ?wheres the difference
we dont need you anymore jr. making them out as a villen when it was all you fuck you fuck you these past eight years youve lied and i want the fucking truth if thats too hard fuck you we dont need a fuck up like you
say your prayers