Dec 12, 2005 22:34
the voiceover guy for the law & order ad just told me "there's a reason [i] can't resist the delicious rhythm of good cop/bad cop" that runs through the show. if ever there was a way to make me avoid watching something, that's it.
'delicious' is a word that should be used ONLY in a food-related context (and even then, sparingly). DO YOU HEAR ME MR. LAW & ORDER GUY?!? yes? good.
drivers in this city fail in so many ways to be nice and courteous that it's always nice to see stuff like malfunctioning wiper fluid hitting the roof, not the windscreen, and people getting trapped behind parked trucks when they're trying to get somewhere that LITTLE bit faster. which isn't very nice, but, you know, it's better than road rage.
i've decided the reasons i like christmastime, really, are because of the family aspect of it, the food, the parties and the fact that that we have an excuse, every year, to bring out all kinds of crazy colour and light to brighten-up the darkest time of year (even though it's always super gaudy and kind of silly). it's so... un-canadian to be so loud and festive. i dig it.
i think we need more reasons to celebrate, that's all.