Oct 05, 2005 12:05
Yeah.. sooo.. since I havent updated in forever.. welll.. sincee my birthday.. I'm updating now cuz Christa was gonna sign me up for livejournal then I remembered I had it:-D.. s00 yep! here i am.. With christa in thenlibrary pretending to work on shit but actually doing THISS..
Yeah.. so..
This weekend was the fucking ILLEST shit evvver! I was at the loverly Christa Berryes house ALL fuckin weekend.. and we sang found a peanut A LOT! haha im lovin it=) and then we changed the words.. yeahh uda had to be there.. it was fun annoying Sean.. anddd yah.. Now she's comin over tomorrow.. anddd hopefully I can get her to smoke.. then I'm going back to her hosue 'n hopefully seeing adam on friday=)..
i dont have any cigarettes left.. and i haveta ttake em from my mom.. and i cant fucking smoke them cyuz its like s moking fucking air and yeah it's gay i hate it=(.. yeah.. I'm gonna gooo.. cuz Christopher anne just called me and told me to lok up and yep him and Zack were in the window of Buttners room waving=) i love himmm!