Jan 23, 2006 23:22
So, instead of watching South Park, I flipped it over to MTV and they are showing scenes from Annapolis (for those whom have no idea what the hell I am talking about, it's a navy movie). I forgot about it coming out. It intrigue me when Danielle and I went and saw Jarhead. I think that I need to call Danielle and see if she is up for going to the movies on Sunday and watching it. We said that we would when it came out. Hope her Marine hubby doesn't get mad. lol. Yes, Marines #1.
So, I have my school schedule planned out in a little planner that I bought for 25 cents. It would fit in my purse. I now need to go and put all of the shows in there that I want to go to. I also need to go and find someone to go Taste of Chaos with me cause I wanna see Story of the Year. I'm excited for the upcoming shows. I am really excited for 30 Seconds to Mars. They were good at Taste of Chaos. Jared just needs to calm his ass down with all of the climbing and shit.
School is crazy at the moment. I have such laid back classes that I am kind of slacking on the readings. I am still waiting for one of my books to come in off of ebay. I have a math test on Thursday night. I need to read, do the homework. I was gonna do it yesterday but I was sick with a headache and then today I was scheduled to do jury duty but then my # is 755 and they only called #s 1-105. So, I had the day off. Our spin cycle on the washing machine broke midway through my jeans load and they are all dirty so I went to Teresa's and her and her new room mate were there so I couldn't do the homework while the clothes washed then. I got to watch the Lion King instead, so it wasn't ALL bad. Came home. Washed the car. Chilled with mom while watching the oc. And basically just been lazy cause it has been FOREVER since I have had a day to myself.
And, now the Annapolis scene's are over and Meet the Barkers is on and they have taught me that a man should not get circumsized after the age of 30; Thank you Travis Barker.