Jul 28, 2006 23:24
So yeah, I have this teacher for musical scene study...her name is Kathryn Rossetter...the funny thing about her is that you can imdb her and her name actually comes up. She once played opposite Dustin Hoffman in Death of a Salesman. but that's not the point.
the point is that she is a self-absorbed hideous immature bitch queen.
so we were all sitting around today in class...our last class of the day, mind you, and we were all tired from the week and we just wanted to get out of there, but we had been good and patient and for the most part, fairly courteous to those of our peers who were working on scenes. so, the final scene had just finished for the day, and Kathryn is talking to the class about what we're going to be doing for our last two classes, next week. Shaina got a message on her cell phone and it seemed kind of urgent, so she checked the message really quick, and then Kathryn said:
"Are you on your cell phone?"
Shaina: yeah, I think someone in my family---
Kathryn: It doesn't matter...this is a fucking class! How rude can you be?
Shaina: No, but...
Kathryn: So fucking rude! Alright, that's it...I'm done!!
And Kathryn proceeds to stand up, grab her bag and storm out, screaming "RUDE!" at the top of her lungs...she pulled back and flung open the door rather dramatically and then I'm sure she wanted to slam it, but the door has a catch, so she couldn't, so she just left...Condola said later that the first thought that went through her mind was, "The door doesn't slam, bitch." At first we were stunned and then as we came to, we went to see if Shaina was okay (and she was, cause she's amazingly resilient) and then we made fun of Kathryn for the rest of the evening.
Oh yeah, and so we went to Big Daddy's (which is the diner that we've been to several times this week) and I saw Monica with her friend Laura (who went to CAP last year) and Monica asked if she could sit with us...we had 8 people and we were going to be sitting at a booth that was crowded with even 7 people, so of course, I said to Monica, 'well, we don't really have room, cause we have 8 people'. and that was that. well, Monica had invited me out with her and Eli and Laura to have a drink tonight and by the end of dinner, I really didn't want to go cause I was tired and sweaty and absolutely disgusting. Well, I called Monica and told her that I didn't want to go, and she was like, 'okay, well that's fine, but I wanted to tell you that I didn't like that you were rude to me earlier tonight" and I was really confused cause I didn't recall being rude...and she said 'it looked like there was plenty of room at that table'...and then i explained to her about how we had asked the server to seat us upstairs because we wanted to have more room cause we were crowded at the back table the other day with only 7 people and today we had 8...surely with 10 it would have been really crowded...anyway, she was pissed about that and i just let it go.
Actually, she just called me and apologized for what she said. Her and Eli are drunk, which is good cause she's happy, and there are enough of them, so they'll be okay. But I'm so tired, I don't think I could have gone out anyway...I've become such a homebody...so tired all the time...ugh. I actually watched the First Act of Sweeney Todd in concert on DVD that Shaina had. it reminded me of how much I loved that show...I guess I'll try to go and see it next week if I have the time.
Okay, so I'm super tired and tomorrow I'm going to the library with Eva and then we're going to meet Shaina, Mady and Meredith at Penn Station so we can all take the train out to Shaina's house on Long Island! soo excited cause we're having a big sleepover...i love it! Hopefully I can get all the music I need copied...and Eva and I can get there right when the library opens. So woot...off I go to bed! And I wish that Sara wasn't sick so that we could keep the air on tonight...it's so hot in the city...
Love you kids...