So it's been über long since I've been around here and yes, I have missed it :)
And what a better way to make a come back than to update while on Night Shift hahaha.
I just finished reading a few of my previous entries and boy, was I emo or WHAT! Far out!! Jeepers the things that you say when you're crazily stupidly in love with a very frustrating boy. Hahaha
But wait, I still am crazily stupidly in love with a very frustrating boy :P
I guess I never got around to updating my lj coz.. Well I never actually had über strong feelings about anything at the time. Sure bvo and I have fights, and at times I wanna strangle him-- heck we even almost broke up TWICE since my last update!-- but we talked it out and got over it. There was never enough time to vent online because by the time I'd even consider updating about our fights, we were okay again haha.
So here's the gist of what's been happening lately...
Welcome to my life:
FAMiLY: I went back to the Philz in December. We celebrated my parents 25th wedding anniversary & they renewed their vows :D and might I say, IT WAS A FKN SUCCESS! :) it cost heaps of money (out of my bank acct) but it was SO WORTH IT.
Yes, I paid for EVERYTHING. The ceremony/reception, the wedding gown, the gowns for the entourage, the professional video&photographer, photobooth-- ALL EXPENSES PAID. That's how much I love my parents :) <3
It was amazing, every night we'd be at Starbucks for a coffee. There would be at least 10 of us, my shout... Every single time "-__- lol.
I miss my family back home. I love being here but nothing beats being with family <3
WORK: as most of you know, my last rotation was 2West...
2 West is now my permanent home! :D hahaha YAYAYAYA. Yes I complain about it all the time, this ward never has a slow day, there's never an empty bed, and there's not a day that goes by where I come home tired as! ...
But I like it here. I've made good friends and I'm learning heaps! For example my night shifts.. Right now I'm on my 3rd night shift as a Registered Nurse EVER. I started on Monday night, and what happens when I walk into hand over?
"we're getting a new tracheostomy patient that was in theatre all day and needs a 'special'" ... "camille I'm gonna put you there ok?" WHAT THE FUCK? Did I not just mention it was my first time on nights as a RN? Did I mention I'm a freshly finished grad nurse?! Boy was I freaking out.
"Trachy" patients are challenging coz that little hole in their neck is their only airway! YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU MONITOR THEM for the first few days. Hence why it's my 3rd night and I'm still 'specialing' him.
My first night was one massive crazy blur. I did not sit down AT ALL. I was so busy! With ONE GOSH DANG PATIENT!
I remember the morning staff coming on and congratulating me for doing it. And then telling me I did a good job :D
The second night was a blur too! Still pretty busy.
And now that I'm on my 3rd night? Things seem to have calmed down (touch wood)
Or have I just gotten the hang of what I'm doing?!? Lol the fulfillment I'm feeling tonight is awesome. :)
But I still need sleep. My body clock is out of WHACK! :S sleeping 9am-4pm waking up, eating then off to work again! That's my pet hate about nights. Thank goodness it's only 2 weeks. . . 8 nights . . . Well 7 technically coz I have an ado tomorrow. :D
LOVE: as previously mentioned, bvo and I are very happy, most times :)
Yes, we fight.. Like every other day. Haha but we're still good!
Yes, we have almost broken up 2x since my last post, but somehow we're still here :)
And even after 2years & 9months he still makes me über happy :D even more so now that it's actually legal for us haha
He makes my heart sing :P <3
And when we do fight, this photo seems to make me happy again :D <3
I miss you guys!
And I miss him :(
<3 from a very VERY sleepy CAMiE.xo
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