Battlestar Galactica - Yielding

Mar 10, 2008 09:28

Title: Yielding
Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica, and its characters, don’t belong to me. Which kind of sucks, but I’m dealing with it.
Pairing: Laura/Bill
Rating: Teen
Summary: Laura's tried so hard, but somewhere in the back of her mind those fears are lurking.

A/N: Continuation of Zygote.


“Bill?” Laura whispered. She waited for a moment before sighing and rolling to face him. “Are you awake?”

“Laura,” Bill grunted as he opened his eyes. “Every time you’ve turned, you’ve kicked me, do you really think I’d be asleep?”

“Good we can talk,” She grinned at him, clearly not tired. Somehow she managed to crawl out from under the covers and sit in the small space between the Admiral and the wall with her legs crossed.

Hoping that she’d change her mind, Bill rolled onto his stomach and closed his eyes again. “Go back to sleep Laura.” He muttered against his pillow.

“But I want to talk,” She pouted, and began to run her nails up and down his back. After a moment she stopped suddenly, her hands lingering for a moment before moving to her stomach. “Bill, wake up…” She kicked out her foot, successfully whacking him in the hip to get his attention.

“Ow,” He growled, pushing himself up on his elbows to look at her. “What?”

“You have to feel this, Ziggy kicked…” She said in amazement, ignoring his glare.

“Would you stop calling it Ziggy,” Bill growled, moving to sit up properly. In all honesty he hadn’t minded calling their unborn child Zygote for the first few months, but when Starbuck decided it should be called Ziggy for short everything had been shot to Hades. Everyone in the crew seemed to be referring to the baby as ‘Ziggy’, and Bill was sure the nickname was going to stick no matter what.

Annoyed that he hadn’t seemed to have noticed the point, Laura grabbed his hand and placed it against her stomach. They sat there in silence for a few minutes before it happened again, a sudden firm movement against Bill’s hand. “It’s like there’s butterflies in my stomach,” Laura giggled, grinning at the shocked look on Bill’s face. “Didn’t you ever do this with Carolanne? I thought it was customary to experience this sort of thing together.” She said curiously.

“I would have been lucky to get within ten feet of Carolann when she was pregnant,” Bill admitted quietly, moving closer to Laura as he waited for another kick. “I like this though, doing this with you.”

“Me too,” Laura leaned forward and brushed her lips against his. “Aren’t you glad I woke you up?” She whispered softly.

“You’ve kept me awake the past three nights,” He replied seriously. “Keep it up and I’ll ship you back to Colonial One.”

“How about you have a small human moving around inside of you, and we’ll see how often you toss and turn during the night?” Laura offered, crawling down the rack so she could get out without him stopping her.

“Where are you going?”

“Gods Bill,” She almost screamed in the darkness. “I’m going to the toilet.” Grabbing his robe, she disappeared into the head before she saw anything that she could throw at him.

“Women…” Bill muttered as he sat in his rack. Every little thing he seemed to say the last five months made her cry, yell or want to ravish him. Obviously, he had no problem with the last one, but it was the first two that were most likely. If not for Cottle insisting she stop travelling back and forth, Laura would still be on Colonial One and they wouldn’t be driving each other insane.

There was a cry from the Head, and Bill got up to investigate. Maybe Laura had found something to throw after all. He hadn’t heard anything break, but that wasn’t to say she hadn’t done anything. “Laura?” He called out as he stood by the door. “Is everything okay?”

“Bill…” The hatch opened and Laura stood in front of him shaking. “I’m bleeding.” She barely managed to whisper, holding out her hand. A small amount of blood was smeared across her fingers, to say nothing of the small drops appearing on the ground.

“Stay there,” Bill told her as he moved to grab his tanks and trousers. “I’m taking you straight to Cottle.”

“I… I… don’t think I could…”

“I’m going to carry you Laura, try to stay calm…” Dressed in no time at all, Bill was back by her side in an instant and he smiled reassuringly. “It’s going to be okay.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and made sure his robe was secure around her before he picked her up in his arms and headed for the sick bay.


Cottle tried not to smile as he watched the two parents-to-be over the top of his clipboard. They were possibly the two most stubborn people he’d ever met, and together they were explosive. At times they could be, and Cottle would never admit this to anyone, cute. But Gods help the person who got caught in the middle of it all. Luckily Cottle was just as bad as they were, and knew how to handle them.

He glanced at Laura who was pouting like a spoiled child and refusing to look at Bill, and then he looked at the man in question. Bill was Bill, plain and simple. Sitting, stony faced, in a chair off to the side. Close enough to make it obvious Laura was his, and yet far enough away so that he wouldn’t have to speak to her.

“I can’t stop working,” Laura said to him, she wasn’t even giving Bill the satisfaction of breathing in his direction. “I refuse. I’m the President of the Twelve Colonies…”

“Laura your stress levels are affecting your unborn child,” Cottle tried again, but to no avail. He’d already suggested that she stay in bed from now on which resulted in an argument between Laura and Bill. Honestly, he wasn’t sure how much more he could take before he told them to just leave and do what they wanted.

“Jack I gave in to resting,” She continued, trying her best to talk her way around him. “I’ll be in bed at all times and in a wheelchair if I have to go to a meeting. But the meetings stay on the agenda, I refuse to give up my job…”

“Frak it Laura,” Bill suddenly broke in. “We almost lost our child and all you care about is your job.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it!” Laura shot back, sitting up at a speed that made her look as if she was going to lunge at him.

“You’re constantly making excuses for putting your job before the welfare of our child,” Bill stood from his chair as he continued, yet remained a safe distance from the bed. “Tory is quite capable of changing your schedule to suit your needs, as she’s offered on numerous occasions, but you won’t take the help. You can’t do what you want any more…”

“Get out,” Laura growled at him, a fire beginning to burn in her eyes as she stared him down.

“You had to be talked in to keeping the baby, and now you have to be talked into looking after it. You make a great mother.” The sarcasm in his voice did not go unnoticed.

Laura sat there in shock for a moment, keeping her eyes trained on him. Her usually bright green eyes had darkened considerably. “Get out,” She snarled through clenched teeth. One hand clenched around the rail on the bed, as the other dug into the mattress.

Something had to be done, Laura’s blood pressure was about to shoot through the roof and the Admiral was standing his ground. Cottle glanced at the man standing opposite him. “Admiral I think it’s best if you leave,” Cottle told him firmly.

“I’m not leaving until she comes to her senses,” He growled, keeping his eyes on Laura.

That was not the response she wanted to hear, her nails began to break through the stitching on the sheets. “I swear to the Gods,” She breathed out, turning on Cottle. “If you do not get him out of here, I will have YOU BOTH AIRLOCKED!” Her voice echoed around the Life Station, no doubt causing the few other occupants to fear for their lives.

“Admiral if you do not leave now I will have the marines escort you out,” Cottle pointed towards the curtain to emphasise his point.

All three fell silent, waiting for one of them to move. If Laura had any power behind her death glare then Bill would have been decomposing at a rate of knots. The atmosphere was excruciatingly painful, the silence bordering on deadly. The only thing Cottle really cared about was the welfare of his patient, then again the last thing he needed was the Admiral to stage another military coup. Bill stood a little straighter, nodded to Cottle, and walked through the curtain.

Suddenly at seemed as if the whole room had been filled with oxygen, and Laura let out the breath she was holding. She felt a little light headed. It was her usual reaction to an angry fit. Closing her eyes she swayed in a small circular motion as she tried to control her breathing. After a moment she lifted her head, and promptly fainted.

“You’re more trouble then you’re worth sometimes,” Cottle grumbled as he watched her go down, glad that she’d fallen backwards and not off the side of the bed. He checked her vitals and was glad to see her blood pressure going down. On the positive side he hadn’t had to sedate her, she’d done it on her own. Just to be sure everything was fine he lifted her blouse slightly and pressed his hands against her stomach to make sure the baby was still moving around. In return he received a firm kick against his fingers. Unable to help it, he smiled. “Don’t you start with me Ziggy, Gods help the poor child born from a combination of these two.”

Satisfied that his patient was fine and wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, Cottle closed the curtain and tended to his other patients.


“Maybe we should increase your blood pressure more often,” Cottle muttered as he noticed his patient slowly open her eyes. “I’m going to take a guess and say that’s the longest you’ve slept since before the attack.”

“How long…” Laura began to ask but stopped as she yawned.

“Twenty two hours,” Cottle couldn’t help but chuckle as her suddenly wide awake. “Now don’t go getting upset about things, everything is fine - with the fleet and with your relationship.”

“What do you mean, with my relationship?”

With a sigh, Cottle pulled back the curtain to reveal Bill asleep in the bed next to hers. “He came in after his shift and hasn’t left,” He explained, moving back to Laura to mark some things off in her file. “Though someone should wake him up soon, he’s got his next shift in an hour.”

“Thank you Jack,” Laura smiled. “I’ll handle it.”

Waiting until Cottle left, Laura slid out of bed and walked over to look at Bill. He looked peaceful when he slept. In fact it was probably the only time he looked peaceful. She checked to make sure the curtains were closed around them, before climbing up onto the bed with him, amazed for a moment that it could hold them both. Slowly she brushed the back of her fingers against his cheek, and smiled as he began to stir. “It’s time to wake up,” She whispered, kissing his lips softly.


“Wake up Bill,” She said a little louder. “You’re going to miss your shift.”

“Work can wait,” Bill muttered, his arms sliding around her waist and pulling her closer. “I’m the boss so I can do what I want.”

“Yes but it doesn’t set a good example for everyone else,” Laura laughed, enjoying being in his arms again.

“How are you feeling?” He asked quietly as he opened his eyes. “You slept through a whole day.”

“I heard,” She moved a little closer to him and grinned as he pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I’m feeling wide awake, and very relaxed.”

They fell silent, staring at each other and happy just to be together. “I’m sorry,” Bill told her after a moment, lost in the glistening emerald of her eyes. “I didn’t mean to say those things to you.”

It took Laura a moment to work out what he was apologising for. “Yes, you did mean to say it,” She said quietly, a sad smile playing on her lips. “I needed to hear you say it, because I still have so many doubts and fears when it comes to having this baby. The worst of which being that I have no choice in the matter now, I have to live with these fears that I’ll die before our child has a chance to know me. Or that she won’t make it. I have to be talked in to everything because I’m still in the grey about having this baby, and I wasn’t even admitting it to myself.”

“I was wrong about one thing though,” He told her softly, moving to brush her hair out of her face. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother.”

Laura smiled. “You don’t know that…”

“On the contrary,” He pressed a kiss against her cheek. “You were obviously an excellent teacher, so you’re good with children. Then there’s the way you take people under your wing, and treat them as your children - Billy, Kara, and even Lee. You’re going to be fine.”

“And I have you to help,” She snuggled against him, resting her head against his chest. “Do you think Cottle will let you take me home now?”

He considered her words. For quite some time she had referred to his quarters as her home, a simple passing compliment to emphasize how comfortable she felt in his space. But now he heard so much more in that one word. The way she’d say it as if they’d shared a home all their lives. It was so natural, and he liked it that way.

“Bill?” Laura asked, pushing herself up to look at him when he didn’t respond. “What?” She asked with a smile, trying to place the odd look in his eyes.

“It’s nothing,” He kissed her cheek and sat up. “I’ll go talk to Cottle, you sit on this bed and don’t move a muscle.”

A mock salute was sent his way as Laura grinned and pulled the blanket up around her shoulders. She wasn’t sure what Bill was thinking about, for the first time in ages, but for once she really didn’t mind. All she cared about was going home, back to his quarters. It was the one place where she could truly feel relaxed and normal. As if they’d spent eternity together just creating that natural bond between them. Maybe they would live happily ever after, maybe they wouldn’t. All she knew was that as long as Bill was around, she felt safe and loved.

Her hands rested against her growing abdomen, and she smiled as she felt the child kick once more. Maybe it was all going to work out for them. Nobody seemed to mind them being together, in fact, she’d heard nothing but well wishes. Although there was the strong possibility Tory was filtering her mail in an effort to stop her worrying about it all. Either way, everything was on the up and up. It was just a matter of staying calm around Bill. He seemed to be the one bearing the brunt of her mood swings, and she only wished she could stop it.

“Are you ready?”

She jumped slightly as Bill touched her shoulder. Once again she’d been lost in thought. At least this time it wasn’t about food, or some ridiculous dream she’d had about bright pink Cylons making kitchen appliances. “Do I really have to use that?” Laura cringed as she noticed the wheelchair.

“You promised Cottle you would,” Bill reminded her. “He says unless you roll out of here the marine guards are instructed to bring you back to bed by any means necessary.”

“I hate Doctors,” She pouted childishly as Bill helped her into the chair.

“He probably hates you too,” Bill laughed as she tried to turn in the chair and slap him.

Next: X Equals Thrace

fan fiction series: alphabet, show: battlestar galactica, character: laura roslin, type: fan fiction, character: william adama

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