May 14, 2009 01:30
I cried tonight. 1:12 am. In my car, heading home. For the very first time in my life ever, I cried from happiness. I can't believe how much I missed that fucking guy. he is undisputed my best male friend. I just pray Nathan doesn't ever read this. but man, him and I have a bond unlike any other. I really apprecaite Nathan and he is a huge part of my life. but there is something about Jordan that will always rock my world.
Reasons I'm so damn happy, I shed tears:
My best friend is home
My best friend finally quit pot, drinking, and smoking
My best friend wants to be with ONE girl for the first time instead of his 100s
My woman, she loves me like no other
My woman...well, hell, she's MY woman! I actually have the perfect woman.
Work is going well, I'm respected and well liked.
My kids...I love them, and I'll miss them, but I still have 2 more weeks of their affection.
I can play guitar like I always dreamt of when I was younger
Did I mention my woman?
I have friends! Like real ones, who care about me. Lexi, Jordan, Nathan, and Russ listen when I talk.
Oh happy days