Aug 09, 2005 11:01
first off, it wasn't as humid as it has been, which made this day so so pleasent. I get a Beckett Baseball mag in the mail, which i have no subscription to, and it read the shocking contents. There are no longer any fleer or donruss cards. There are some major shake ups in the card industries, which is actually a good thing. *grining with glee*
I chatted with Miss. Cheek a little, and I offically bored her into a coma. That was kinda cool. I just noticed I was carring on a conversation by myself, which i tend to do
....and just after seeing Cyrstal wasn't on-line anymore I just turned my computer off and Eric's brother Larry called. He said he was coming down to visit. When he got here, he wanted a PSone memory card. So I let him have one and he took it upon himself to jew me out of my diablo game, lol. Larry offered me a propostion that I may just take him up on. He wants me to help him run his buissness. But I have to wait utill it passes inspection first, and i know how picky these guys are, with the shipping of combines and cottonpickers across the state. Then he said he knows a girl that has a crush on me, (leaving the name out for security reasons). But I opted not to comment about it. For I am already taken and plus this girls has some baggage. Larry always tells me that he works out on this bowflex machine and that he's becoming strong. Well, when he was here, he looked at my curling bar and aske, "how much weight do you have on there?" I says, 120 pounds. Uh....the wuss couldn't even pick it up. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Then he made the mistake to further insult himself when he asked me to lift it. Then he sat down and made the accuse that he was tired from the work he had done, yeah right!!!! lol
so last night was pretty cool, I got to belittle one of my friends, and all is good.
Crest vivid white toothpaste taste pretty good, y'all should try it.