J-pop daily meme | Day 1: Your favorite j-pop group

Aug 24, 2011 23:16

I can't remember where this is from, but I'll do it anyway XD

Day 1: Your favorite j-pop group

This is so simple XD
The first J-pop group I met is also my favorite one ♥

banner by me (an old one XD)
I love them so much, I can't really explain how much I love them, but... I do ♥
Before them I really didn't like the all boys bands: I loved classical music and old Italian songwriters. But then... they appeared and all changed. They are really important to me, even if it seems stupid.
They... they... Oh my God! They are ARASHI! They are the best group of all the world for me!
When I listen to them or watch them I feel so proud I'm an Arashian, I feel so lucky that I could know their songs and them.
I... I really love them. Really.

Giorno uno: Il tuo gruppo j-pop preferito.
È una cosa semplicissima. Davvero.
Il primo amore non si scorda mai e, nel mio caso, resta indelebile <3
Primo gruppo j-pop conosciuto e gruppo preferito <3

(un vecchio banner fatto decenni fa °-°)
Semplicemente li amo. Non so dirvi quanto li amo, lo faccio semplicemente.
È come se avessero segnato il mio passaggio da bambina a ragazza: prima non mi piacevano i gruppi di ragazzi che cantano e ballano, ero legata alla musica classica o ai vecchi cantautori italiani. Ma poi sono arrivati loro e... ed è cambiato tutto.
Loro... credo siano diventati realmente importanti per me. Anche se può sembrare stupido.
Ahh... non so cosa dire di più. Cioè... sono gli ARASHI! Gli ARASHI! I migliori del mondo.
Ogni volta che li ascolto ed ogni volta che li vedo, mi sento così orgogliosa di essere un Arashian. Così... maledettamente fortunata di aver avuto l'occasione di conoscere loro e le loro canzoni.
Sono un po' esagerata forse, eh?
Ma... boh. Quando si tratta di loro tendo ad essere esagerata.

Day 2: Your ultimate j-pop bias
Day 3: Your favorite j-drama
Day 4: Your favorite j-drama actor
Day 5: Your favorite j-drama actress
Day 6: Your favorite j-pop song from your favorite group
Day 7: A j-pop song that makes you cry
Day 8: A j-pop song you know all the words to
Day 9: Your favorite j-pop performance
Day 10: A j-pop dance you’d like to learn
Day 11: Your favorite j-pop music video
Day 12: The very first j-pop song you’ve ever heard
Day 13: Your favorite j-drama scene
Day 14: A j-pop song that makes you instantly happy
Day 15: A j-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss
Day 16: Your favorite j-pop lyrics and translation
Day 17: A j-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A j-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a j-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your j-pop bias
Day 21: J-drama you can’t watch without crying
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite j-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a j-pop idol who you think is underrated.
Day 24: Your favorite member ai moment
Day 25: Your favorite j-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite body part of your bias
Day 27: Your favorite gif of your top bias.
Day 28: Your favorite j-pop variety show.
Day 29: A j-pop song you never get tired of.
Day 30: A j-pop idol that you thought you wouldn’t like but now love

^eng, !meme, artist: arashi

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