-Title: Four - Le sue parole d'amore nell'acqua ora sono sincere
seleniasan-Pairing: 33x39 (Xanxus x Squalo)
-Rating: PG
-Warnings/Spoilers: shounen ai. No spoilers.
-Disclaimer: I don't own neither Xanxus, nor Squalo, nor the whole series of Reborn.
-Summary: One shot divided into four parts, that describe the main moments of Xanxus and Squalo.
Notes: I'm Italian, I tried to write in English, if you see mistakes, please forgive me and make me notice them. I chose to describe Xanxus and Squalo that way because I tend to describe the psyche of the characters. The title is taken from a song of Francesco Guccini, that is "La ballata degli annegati", and it means: "His love words in the water now are sincere".
Four - Le sue parole d'amore nell'acqua ora sono sincere
1. Meeting
That was a sunny day, but something wasn’t at its place. Not at all. That was what Squalo, the young man with short white hair was thinking. All the chatters among people all around were too much annoying for him. Wandering around, he noticed that something that wasn’t at its place. His light blue eyes met dark eyes. Eyes that were filled with ambition. He heard about him, someone said that his name was Xanxus. Squalo was stunned. He couldn’t believe that he would have so much admiration for him.
2. Promise
Finally Squalo had the chance to talk with Xanxus. Xanxus talked, his words filled Squalo’s head with admiration. Squalo drank all those words, and finally he made a promise.
- VOOOI! I promise…
He promised that he would be by Xanxus’s side. And that he would nevermore cut his hair till Xanxus’ambition was satisfied. From then Squalo devoted all his being to Xanxus.
3. Devotion
That was all Squalo needed to be by Xanxus’s side. He KNEW that Xanxus would never lay his eyes on him in a different way. He KNEW that Xanxus would never look at him as he wanted. Xanxus, being Xanxus, would have never loved him. But until Squalo had his devotion for him, then Xanxus would allow him to stay by his side.
4. Sincere words
He fighted. He failed. Usually Squalo was the one who never failed, especially during a swords fight. While falling into the water, along with the shark, Squalo looked at Xanxus. A striking, intense look, his white long hair loosened. Squalo had still his devotion, his love for Xanxus, that he never said. Xanxus, for one bit, one second, remained stunned.
He thought. And he was sure that Squalo, if he could, would have called his name.
Finally. Squalo suddenly fell into the water. His love words in the water were now sincere.