The shortlist can be found
here and it's a pretty good list, IMHO.
I'm very excited that four of the novels I nominated are on the ballot. Woot! They're all phenominal so working out what to vote for there will be difficult. I've only got one left to read (2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson) so this year I'll have more time to read the other fiction categories. Last year I had so much novel reading to do that my reading in the other categories was sketchy to say the last. I'm pretty damn excited about being able to read so much of the other stuff. I may already have ordered a couple of the novellas and novelettes for my Kindle to get ahead of the game...
The film category also made me very happy. I nominated The Avengers, not really thinking that it would end up on the ballot but I wanted to give it a go and look! It's on the ballot! Another tough category and I've only got two to watch here (again, last year I hadn't watched anything on the list) so I'll be tracking down Cabin in the Woods and Looper to watch. The hard bit will be staying objective and voting based on the writing and not the "OMG SQUEE!" that tempts me to vote for The Avengers regardless :-D
I actually did a fist pump and cheer when I saw Mark Oshiro's name on the best fan writer list. WOOOT! He really doing what I think that category should be about - a fan with no professional ties, writing insightful and fascinating posts about the books, movies and tv shows he's absorbing. If you haven't found Mark Reads and Mark Watches yet, go out and find them. Seriously brilliant stuff.
My only disappointment is in the graphic novel category, where neither Hawkeye nor Captain Marvel made it. Considering they were both being talked about by a lot of people during the nomination process, the only thing I can think of that happened there was that they were both nominated under so many different names (specific issues, series in general, plus the relevant arc name) that other things nominated more consistently topped them. It's happened before and I wouldn't be surprised if it's happened here. I'm actually kind of surprised Fables isn't on the list - isn't there a rule that Fables has to always be nominated or something? This is the category where I'll have the most extra reading to do because I haven't read anything on that list. Time to put some stuff on hold at the library, I think.
I'm incredibly pleased to see Chicks Dig Comics and Chicks Unravel Time on the ballot and to see Squeecast on the fancast list again as well.
The part where Seanan McGuire has a record-breaking five nominations on the Hugo ballot? That's just the icing on the cake.
Seriously, look at that list. It's the most diverse Hugo list I've seen. The ration of white dudes to everyone else is much lower than in the past, which I think is wonderful.
Now, onwards. To read new stuff! To watch new stuff! To be very very excited at everyone about how much amazing stuff got nominated this year!
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