According to my GoodReads widget, I'm on track to hit my target of 120 books this year. Let's just pretend that half of these weren't graphic novels, OK?
I just finished Plain Kate by Erin Bow and it is terrific. It's a YA novel and I tore through it in two days because it was that good. I loved the tone of it and Bow created characters that I genuinely cared about very quickly. She also did some lovely world-building. The book is about loss and magic and grief and love, which doesn't sound uplifting but it is. I was kind of teary smiling at the end and I'm definitely going to be acquiring a copy for my shelves (this was a library read).
On my coffee table to read from the library I've got:
Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan
Demonglass - Rachel Hawkins
City of Ash - Cassandra Clare
Civil War: X-Men
Civil War: Avengers
And they're all due in two weeks. No pressure then!
I've also got to read at least five books off my shelves by the end of the year to have any hope of getting Mount TBR into passable state for the end of year reckoning. Excuse me while I laugh heartily at my plan to have *fewer* books in Mount TBR than I started with in January.
Me and books, man. I've got issues.
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