It's Halloween and that means one thing at my office: the staff association baggies of treats have been given out and the staff are trying to scam each other out of them :-D We are a department that runs on sugar and caffeine!
I'm trying to work out how many kids we're likely to get at the house tonight. Usually we average around forty, but with the foul weather that's likely to be down a bit. I'm suspecting there will be a lot of left-over Halloween treats in the office tomorrow for the same reason. There will always be the ones who are too damned determined for words, but a lot of the smaller kiddies and the ones with parents who hate getting soaked probably won't be here.
Poor kiddies.
When the rush is over (and maybe during the wait for kids if there are long gaps) I need to finish Plain Kate by Erin Bow. It's not just important because the library wants it back on Friday - it's a very good book and I'm impatient to see how it ends!
Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and coloured after work. It needed cutting about two weeks ago and I've had a hard fight not to give into temptation and lop at it myself. Then I may treat myself to spaghetti and meatballs for supper :-D
Or half a sandwich if I'm feeling exhausted and faily. Let's aim for pasta, OK?
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